Meet Carrie

Meet Carrie, a dynamic creative soul who seamlessly juggles her roles as a full-time Gigi and devoted artist. With a lifetime of artistic exploration under her belt, she has fearlessly dabbled in various mediums, each one contributing to the rich tapestry of her creative journey.

Formerly an interior designer, Carrie infuses her art with a keen eye for aesthetics and an innate understanding of space and color. Her love for vibrant hues and uplifting positivity shines through in every piece she crafts.

Currently, Carrie channels her boundless energy into alcohol inks, mixed media, and watercolor, weaving together textures and tones to create mesmerizing works of art.

Nestled in the scenic beauty of Idaho alongside her sweetheart, Carrie finds joy in the simple pleasures of life. Whether it's spending quality time with her beloved dog, nurturing her relationships with her two daughters and their spouses, or loving on her three grandchildren, family is at the heart of everything she does.

Outside the realm of art, Carrie embraces the wonders of the great outdoors, indulging her passion for gardening and exploring new landscapes through travel. With a zest for life that knows no bounds, she approaches each day with a sense of adventure and a commitment to living life to the fullest.